ASP/VBScript: Send E-Mail with CDO

I've used CDONTS for years, even though it hasn't been included in a Windows Server release since NT4. Anytime I needed to send mail, I'd copy over CDONTS.dll, register it then use my old CDONTS code. Not sure why I resisted it for so long.. I think the weird Configuration Fields were too odd to accept. But I've finally accepted them.. about 3 good years after ASP went out of style. Here's a less-than-timely code snippet:

Set objCDO = CreateObject("CDO.Message") objCDO.Subject = "Update from Web App." objCDO.From = "Web App " objCDO.To = "[email protected]" objCDO.TextBody = "Hello," & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "A new order has been placed by " & userName & "." objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2 'cdoSendUsingPort (1 = local, 3 = Exchange) objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = "" objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25 objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Update objCDO.Send set objCDO = Nothing