VBScript: Clean Up Imported SIM Card Contacts in Outlook

The other day, I was texting a friend and some guy looked at me and said "Oh hey, 2002 called, it wants its T9 back." Haha, slightly cliche but I laughed anyway. Then I went and bought myself a Blackberry.

I totally love it, I won't lie. So I imported my contacts into Outlook from a Sony Ericsson mobile phone and they came out kinda chu-chu. All the contacts came in as "Work" numbers and were all prefixed by ";\M". I cleaned the M's out manually but then wrote a script to list all the numbers as Mobile numbers. For consistency's sake, I also cleaned up all of the numbers themselves to just be, for instance, 2345551212. Here's the script in case you would like to do a mass cleanse as well.

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")

Set colContacts = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(10).Items ' 10 = olFolderContacts

For Each objContact In colContacts if len(objContact.MobileTelephoneNumber) = 0 then objContact.MobileTelephoneNumber = objContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber objContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber = "" 'Wscript.Echo objContact.FullName, objContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber, objContact.MobileTelephoneNumber objContact.Save end if

if len(objContact.MobileTelephoneNumber) > 0 then mobileNumber = objContact.MobileTelephoneNumber mobileNumber = replace(mobileNumber," ","") mobileNumber = replace(mobileNumber,"-","") mobileNumber = replace(mobileNumber,"(","") mobileNumber = replace(mobileNumber,")","") mobileNumber = replace(mobileNumber,"+1","")

if left(mobileNumber,1) = "1" then mobileNumber = right(mobileNumber,len(mobileNumber)-1) objContact.MobileTelephoneNumber = mobileNumber objContact.Save End if


Ouu my grammar has gone downhill since I spent a weekend in Louisiana.