Happy Ada Lovelace Day!

Today is Ada Lovelace Day. Lovelace has been credited as the founder of Scientific Computing, though she is not as well-known as her male counterparts.

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Ada Lovelace

While I am a female in technology, I don't see myself as different from any other prodigious technologist, and thus, generally do not draw attention to my gender. Today, however, I pledged to blog about women in computing, primarily because I think Lovelace deserves more acknowledgement for her contributions to computing and also because it gave me the opportunity to draw attention to two of my SQL Server heroes, Kalen Delaney (bio | blog) and Kimberly L. Tripp (bio | blog). I've seen Kimberly speak once and I was blown away; she's quite an incredible speaker. And while I haven't seen Kalen speak, I can attest to her talent as a technical writer, having read many of her books. If you ever get a chance to see them speak or read their books, I suggest you do.

On a parting note, I've actually noticed, in newsgroups and database publications, an unusually high number of women in the database field. Interesting, that.