WordPress Plugin Rerelease: Quick Code -> Dirty Code
Thanks to everyone who has written to me about the name conflict between my WordPress plugin, Quick Code, and David Gwyer's plugin, Quick Code.
I created the Quick Code plugin three and a half years ago so I'm not sure how the conflict happened but I decided to just rename my plugin to Dirty Code. I chose the name primarily because I wasn't feeling very creative this morning and the plugin's code is quick and dirty. Actually, it was originally written in ASP and converted into PHP using asp2php.exe; that's just how nasty it is.
In addition to renaming the plugin, I also cleaned it up a bit and updated it to work with WordPress 2.8. This version has been tested on WordPress versions 2.3-2.8.4. (UPDATE: JULY 4, 2010: it works with 3.0 too)
In case you aren't familiar with the plugin, it was written primarily for bloggers who include a lot of code in their posts. It transforms any code (SQL, CSS, PHP, ASP, etc) between the tags