Detect ARM64 host in PowerShell on Windows, Linux and macOS.

Since I can't find it anywhere else on the web, here's how you detect ARM64 xplat.

 1# Determine OS and Architecture
 2$osPlatform = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::OSDescription
 3$architecture = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::OSArchitecture
 5# Adjust the platform and architecture for the API call
 6$platform = switch -Wildcard ($osPlatform) {
 7    "*Windows*" { "win32" }
 8    "*Linux*"   { "linux" }
 9    "*Darwin*"  { "darwin" } # MacOS is identified as Darwin
10    Default     { "unknown" }
12$arch = switch ($architecture) {
13    "X64"  { "x64" }
14    "X86"  { "x86" }
15    "Arm"  { "arm" }
16    "Arm64" { "arm64" }
17    Default { "unknown" }