- I always use ISOs in the datastore as CD/DVD devices in my virtual machines. Tonight, I had to make images of my Windows 2008 DVDs but because my tiny laptop doesn't have a DVD/CD-ROM build-in, I had to rely on my ESXi servers to create the ISOs. Creating an ISO in ESXi is as almost easy as creating one in Linux -- the …
Read More - Today I attacked my 2008 technical to do list and setup a subversion server for backups/source control. It was actually pretty darn easy in SUSE 10.3. After I got it going, I wondered if I could have it automatically authenticate against my HOME domain. So, using SuSE's menu driven interface YaST, I easily added my …
Read More - The web interface for VMware Server 2 Beta for Linux is garbage; it's both slow and unattractive. Even VMware Server 1 and ESX Server 2.5 from years ago had a faster/nicer web interface. VMware Server looks a bit like ESX and my experience with ESX taught me that it can be administered with both the web interface and …
Read More First and foremost, I'd like to wish netnerds.net a happy birthday!
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="" class="image_figure image_internal image_unprocessed" …</picture></figure></a></p>
Read More- Ahh! One of my servers had a bad stick of RAM and caused all sorts of problems with VMWare ESX Server. At first, I thought ESX was too sensitive but later realized the stick was just super bad. Meanwhile, my evaluation version expired and so I decided to use VMware Server 1.0 (free) on top of SuSE 10.2 (also free). …
Read More A friend showed me this and I've used it a few times since. Here's the easiest way to make a service auto start or stop after reboot:
chkconfig servicename on to auto-start and chkconfig servicename off to stop auto-startup.
Thanks, Lenny! Also, can anyone remind me what command I use to add regular user bins to root's …
Read More- Earlier today, I pasted some code into a Linux-based vi via putty/ssh, saved it, zipped it, and downloaded it to a Windows machine. The result was pooh; the code ran but was garbled in notepad. I wondered if I could somehow run a command in Linux to clean/convert all the carriage returns. One of my friends at …
Read More - I recently used "tar" improperly and inadvertently created a file which seemed near impossible to delete. The file started with two dashes; it was named --exclude.tgz. I issued each of the following commands with no luck: boudreaux:~ # rm --exclude.tgz rm: unrecognized option `--exclude' Try `rm --help' for …
Read More I'm setting up Gallery2 for my other blog and I had the hardest time finding the binary directory for ImageMagick. a 'whereis ImageMagic' returned nothing useful. Then I ran rpm -ql ImageMagick | grep /bin and saw the following:
/usr/bin/animate /usr/bin/compare /usr/bin/composite /usr/bin/conjure /usr/bin/convert …
Read MoreI recently loaded up one of my servers and out of nowhere, I ran into this error:
Server Configuration Error The server has encountered a configuration error attempting to process your request. The configuration parameter MD_CUSTOM_ERROR (6008) has an invalid value. Please contact the server administrator for …
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