Update June 2 2015: FINALLY, Y'ALL! Looking Forward: Microsoft: Support for Secure Shell (SSH)
I'm currently playing with Windows Server 2008 Core and I'm really at a loss trying to figure out why Microsoft seems to go out of its way not to adopt SSH. SSH seems like such an easy and straightforward answer to remote …
Read MoreI found a pretty good Wordpress Security Whitepaper over at BlogSecurity.net. I followed most of the techniques, especially those that concerned protecting the wp-admin directory, since that's what got me hacked last time.
Also, today, while installing 8 GB of RAM into my virtual server and after more than a decade of …
Read MoreFirst and foremost, I'd like to wish netnerds.net a happy birthday!
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="" class="image_figure image_internal image_unprocessed" …</picture></figure></a></p>
Read More- Hai. I got hacked. brb.
Read More If you've ever dealt with NTFS permissions in VBScript, you will no doubt appreciate just how easy PowerShell now makes it to manage access control lists. Basic examples in PowerShell books and around the 'net look something like this:
$directory = "Test" $acl = Get-Acl $directory $accessrule = New-Object …
Read MoreWhen creating a new Active Directory user from the command line in PowerShell, you will likely find yourself using Read-Hosts's asSecureString switch when entering the password.
$password = Read-Host "Enter password" -AsSecureString
Next, you'll probably look around the Internets for a few hours or so trying …
Read More- I work for a large company that uses Postini for Enterprise spam filtering and it does a fantastic job. It's actually famous for being one of the very few spam filter capable of blocking UCEs from the "Cajun Spam King" (No, Scelson doesn't sound very Cajun to me...). And in researching for this article, I …
Read More - Just as I was heading off to bed, I decided to check the TrueCrypt website to see if they added Vista support. I've checked it a few times since March 19th, so I don't know why I didn't notice but version 4.3 now supports Vista. For a moment there, I thought Vista support was going to be vaporwear - they've been …
Read More Today, as I received an email from CERT, I was reminded of the day in 2004 when it was announced that CERT merged with the US Government. I wondered what would change and even considered the possibility that red tape could turn the highly-respected CERT into something that people just didn't respect anymore.
By the …
Read MoreI found this useful security tip on Microsoft.com.
SAFE is the recommended permission setting for assemblies that perform computation and data management tasks without accessing resources outside an instance of SQL Server.
We recommend using EXTERNAL_ACCESS for assemblies that access resources outside of an instance …
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