Update: If you are an iTunes user that needs VBScript, this page won't help you. Please visit the following two sites for two different solutions: Apple Docs and KeathMilligan.net.
This is an old script I dug up which I call "fileFetch". It's a script that downloads a binary file using XMLHTTP and saves it …
Read More- I've used CDONTS for years, even though it hasn't been included in a Windows Server release since NT4. Anytime I needed to send mail, I'd copy over CDONTS.dll, register it then use my old CDONTS code. Not sure why I resisted it for so long.. I think the weird Configuration Fields were too odd to accept. But I've …
Read More - This is some super old code but I used it recently and figured I'd archive it on this site for my future reference. The sample code below aims to allow authenticated users to download files which are not available via direct download (ie. files within the web root). The script accomplishes this by doing the following: …
Read More - So if you have SQL Server installed locally, you're lucky enough to have access to SQLDeeMO. You can then easily enumerate SQL Servers with the following code. Note: If you do decide to use VBScript and SQLDeeMO, you will need to remove the "ee" in the script below. I didn't want to put in the actual object …
Read More - My friend Sharfa and I were exchanging some of our favorite code snippets and he showed me one for enumerating Exchange Servers in Active Directory. I dug the code but wanted to try to see if I could use my Recordset/ADsDSOObject skrills to shorten the code. The outcome isn't any shorter but it does get the version, so …
Read More - Damn, the ADsDSOObject rocks! This script, which weighs in at less than 20 lines, finds all machines running any form of Windows Server on a given domain. Note that this script isn't useful in finding domain controllers, but rather any machine running Windows Server. …
Read More - In helping a visitor to troubleshoot running my IIS FTP ban script, I realized that while XP makes it appear as though it doesn't support banning users by IP address, it actually does provide that support; you just have to ban the IPs programatically. …
Read More - Recently, I wanted to write a web-based front end to AD User Management for our help desk. The way that I set it up apparently broke some Kerberos delegation rules and even though Microsoft wrote a step-by-step guide on how to get IIS and Kerberos delegation going, the solution didn't work for me. If I turned off …
Read More - This function can be found on Microsoft.com somewhere. I remember once finding some nslookup function where the author wrote the output of nslookup to a file on the hard drive, parsed it then forgot to delete it. I used that script and after a few years, I found that directory full of thousands of text files. Anyway, …
Read More - I'm working on a few Active Directory scripts that require knowing the full path or "distinguished name" of the user object. All I know initially is the username and domain name and I found a script at Hey, Scripting Guy! that is really useful -- it searches AD for the user's OU information. The only problem …
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