Spencer Ruport of netortech.com modified my FTP ban script into one that stops dictionary attacks. And he chooses not to ban via the problematic IIS way but instead creating a bad route for the offending IP address. Pretty darn ingenius.
Set objFTPSVC = GetObject("IIS://localhost/MSFTPSVC") Set objFSO = …
Read MoreIn order for Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) to install its Agent on a newly migrated computer, the user running the ADMT tool must have local Administrator access. Otherwise, the error log shows something similar to the following:
WRN1:7290 Processor architecture for machine \NT4MACHINE is unknown, Error …
Read MoreFound this code and wanted to bookmark it... from VisualBasicScript.com's Forums
Function fSortArray(aSortThisArray) Set oArrayList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList" ) For iElement = 0 To UBound(aSortThisArray) oArrayList.Add aSortThisArray(iElement) Next oArrayList.Sort set fSortArray = …
Read MoreThis snippet has come in handy quite a few times for me...
Call ListFolderContents("C:\Windows\System32\Drivers")
Sub ListFolderContents(path) set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set folder = fs.GetFolder(path) Msgbox folder.path
For each item in folder.SubFolders …
Read More- UPDATE 12/18/06: The startup script has been modified slightly (cscript.exe was changed to wscript.exe). Now, console users will no longer encounter a blank black box upon login. UPDATE 11/21/06: Now that banning at the IP level has been added to the script, offending users are completely banned before they can even …
Read More - I dug up this cold from my old netnerds blog. For Googlers wondering if sustaining a remote session is possible, the answer is yes; I've sustained remote cookie sessions using both ASP & VBScript. I've provided simplified code below. It should be self explanatory. If not, drop me a comment and I'll explain it. …
Read More I used the following code a while back as part of a solution to automate the banning of spammers via their IP address.
'Here, we will pretend this is an imported list Dim XMLarr(1) XMLarr(0) = "" XMLarr(1) = ""
Set objIIS = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc") …
Read MoreRecently my Exchange server got pounded by spammers that were attacking my NDR (non delivery report) capabilities. Turning off NDRs helped 75% and I explored Exchange quite a bit along the way to figure out that last 25%.
It seems that I had 180 emails stuck in my queue. I was looking at my logs and ethereal and it …
Read More- This may only be useful for wscript.exe so it may not have universal appeal but I'll list it anyway. The first script is to be inserted at the top of the wscript file you'd like to monitor. The second file is to be run as a scheduled task. SQL Server is used to keep track of the PIDs. SQL Server Express is free so you …
Read More This code is part of a bigger project I'm working on. It checks the disk space for each logical drive and, if the space is below one gigabyte, reports it to Event Viewer at a max of once per day.
'**************************************************************************** ' This script created by Chrissy LeMaire ( …
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