After reading at that the Longhorn April CTP was available, I logged in to my sweet MSDN account and searched for it. Strangely, I could only find "Longhorn Beta 3 Escrow" which became available on April 9th. I'm guessing that this version is newer than the April CTP but I'm not sure. Anyone know what …
Read MoreLast night, my computer fell asleep and I decided not to wake it. Experience taught me that Hibernate was much more reliable but I decided, eh, it's already Sleeping and I should be too.
This morning, after a public transit meltdown in San Francisco, I made it into work a mere 3 minutes before the managing partner was …
Read MoreYesterday, while eating and drinking in North Beach SF, I stumbled upon an event put on byJon Brumit called "Bring Your Own Big Wheel." What a trip :-D Imagine adults, dressed up as super heros and other oddities, racing big wheels down a very steep, very windey road. There were a ton of wipe-outs and scrapes …
Read MoreAw yaille! I just wrote up a whole explanatory blog post then lost it so this one will likely be brief... or not.
Recently, we found that one of our DNS servers was resolving external hostnames unacceptably slow -- about 5 seconds, give or take. The resolution was so slow, in fact, that all of the clients hopped on to …
Read MoreI've loved my laptop since the day we met. If you are in the market for a fast, lightweight, decent looking computer, you too may be happy with a Dell XPS M1210. As I mentioned in some previous posts, my machine has the following specs: Core 2 Duo 2Ghz with 4MB onboard cache, 2GB RAM, 7200 RPM 80GB HDD, 256MB nVdia …
Read MoreJust as I was heading off to bed, I decided to check the TrueCrypt website to see if they added Vista support. I've checked it a few times since March 19th, so I don't know why I didn't notice but version 4.3 now supports Vista. For a moment there, I thought Vista support was going to be vaporwear - they've been …
Read MoreBack on April 1st, 2004, I was dating a woman who was a fan of Showtime's new lesbo show, The L-Word. She subscribed to Showtime specifically for the show but missed it one night. Not having experienced the pleasures of TiVO, she asked me to download a copy from the Internet. She was usually a little too paranoid to …
Read MoreTomorrow, the University I attend will be getting "The Internets." They'll have not just one Internet installed, but two! Ever since I heard of the project sometime in 1999, I've wanted to attend a school awesome enough to participate. I can't wait to download scholarly papers and what not at 10 Gbps!
Read MoreOkay, so me and Chris Anderson, Editor in Chief of Wired Magazine aren't best friends, or even friends at all, but I'll be seeing him speak tomorrow at Startup School in Palo Alto at Stanford University. I don't recall how I came across the URL but seeing that it was close by and a bunch of badasses were speaking, I …
Read MoreI've got another final due tomorrow, is it obvious I'm procrastinating? But seriously, if your city has Zipcar and you don't have wheels, I highly recommend using their service. I chose them over CityCarShare and FlexCar and I've been really satisfied. Just last weekend, I rented a Volvo for 2 days and safely headed up …
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