Using a Custom 404 error script in IIS makes it possible to emulate a very basic URL rewrite.
Sample Environment - IIS 6 - Website domain: "" - URLRewrite directory: "code"
Steps 1. Create a file named rewrite.asp in the code directory. 2. Add a Custom Error for the 404 Not Found. Open up …
Read More[super old post, reposted] A few weeks ago, I asked in an IT forum if it was possible to have a "perma-VPN" connection with Windows XP.
After searching for awhile, I found that Microsoft calls perma-VPNs "Demand-Dial Interfaces" and these can only be found in the Windows Server family, not Windows …
Read MoreI dug up this cold from my old netnerds blog. For Googlers wondering if sustaining a remote session is possible, the answer is yes; I've sustained remote cookie sessions using both ASP & VBScript. I've provided simplified code below. It should be self explanatory. If not, drop me a comment and I'll explain it. …
Read MoreThe MSPress Exchange Training Kit supposedly says that you must uninstall/reinstall an Exchange Server in order to move it from one Administrative Group to another. I managed to do change the administrative group for one of my servers today using adsiedit. Here’s how I did it.
- Install the Support Tools from Microsoft …
Read MoreAwhile back I tried out FreeBSD for a couple months. I was used to SuSE (which I'm back to) so I ran a few commands to make my environment a bit more familiar. If you are a recent convert, you can use this code too.
whereis bash chsh change shell to bash (used sysinstall to install bash) ln -s …
Read MoreUsing SQL and want to know how many times 'http' appears in a string using about one line of code? Find out by creatively using the replace() function.
Declare @myStr varchar(1500), @countStr varchar(100) Set @myStr = ' go here! right there!' Set @countStr = …
Read MoreLast night I got locked out of my Compaq DL360's iLO. I searched the web to find how to reset the Administrator password and read that, for the most part, I'd have to be at the console. Bah! My servers are in San Jose and I'm up here in San Francisco, I didn't want to make a trip just to reset my passwords. I continued …
Read MoreI used the following code a while back as part of a solution to automate the banning of spammers via their IP address.
'Here, we will pretend this is an imported list Dim XMLarr(1) XMLarr(0) = "" XMLarr(1) = ""
Set objIIS = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc") …
Read MoreThis script should work right out of the box..
<% Call getNews(10)
Sub getNEWS(howManyResults) myRSSfile = ""
Set xmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0") xmlHttp.Open "Get", myRSSfile, false xmlHttp.Send() myXML = xmlHttp.ResponseText
Set …
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