I'm surprised this isn't built in.. I had the hardest time finding how to convert ATOM time (found in many RSS feeds) to something human-readable. The cleanest solution I have found thus far is this:
That outputs "04.22.06" but you can use any of the formats available from php date().
Here is basically the …
Read MoreI have a another blog that mentions random words like "daughter","school", "dirty", "bad", "dog", "herself", "year", "nasty" and "old." Until I started revewing my HTTP referers, It never even occured to me that nasty perverts …
Read MoreI released my first Wordpress plugin last night! It's a script that hides/unhides and slightly formats blocks of code. I use it heavily on this site. Here's an example:
a.quickcode { padding-left: 20px; background: url('/wp-includes/images/quickcode.gif') no-repeat; }
You can read more abou the plugin here: QuickCode.
Read MoreRecently my Exchange server got pounded by spammers that were attacking my NDR (non delivery report) capabilities. Turning off NDRs helped 75% and I explored Exchange quite a bit along the way to figure out that last 25%.
It seems that I had 180 emails stuck in my queue. I was looking at my logs and ethereal and it …
Read MoreThis may only be useful for wscript.exe so it may not have universal appeal but I'll list it anyway. The first script is to be inserted at the top of the wscript file you'd like to monitor. The second file is to be run as a scheduled task. SQL Server is used to keep track of the PIDs. SQL Server Express is free so you …
Read MoreThis is a barebones script that gathers server events across a domain and stores them in SQL Server using asyncronous notifications as seen in this sample of the code:
strWQL = "Select * from __InstanceCreationEvent where TargetInstance isa 'Win32_NTLogEvent'" objWMIService.ExecNotificationQueryAsync …
Read MoreWindows, like Unix, has an "at" command. It's basically a command-line interface for Task Scheduler. I use it rather often but haven't memorized the syntax so I've decided to put it here in my blog. Here is example syntax for running a VBS script:
at 12:00 /every:m,t,w,th,f,s,su %SystemDirectory%\cscript.exe …
Read MoreThis bandaid is mighty handy for pesky OSX disconnects. I don't really know what causes it and unfortunately, I don't have time to fully figure it out. I do know that changing my gateway back to my local gateway helped tremendously. Also, changing my default nameserver to a local nameserver helped too. Now, I get …
Read MoreThis code is part of a bigger project I'm working on. It checks the disk space for each logical drive and, if the space is below one gigabyte, reports it to Event Viewer at a max of once per day.
'**************************************************************************** ' This script created by Chrissy LeMaire ( …
Read MoreFind IIS Servers on your domain (or with modifications, your subnet) using this script
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Author: Chrissy LeMaire ' Copyright 2003 NetNerds Consulting Group ' Script is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and assumes no …
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